Introducing our customizable Sibling Sadaqah Jar, the perfect addition for anyone looking to cultivate a culture of giving within their family. This stylish money box features a removable stopper at the bottom for easy access to your savings, as well as the option to customize the text at the front to your choice - whether it's for siblings, adults, or any combination. With the ability to pick the skin color, outfit, and hair style of each figure, this money box is not only a practical way to save, but also a great addition to your house decor. If you're looking to create a family sadaqah jar, be sure to take a look at the rest of our customizable money boxes for even more options. Start the tradition of giving back with our Sibling Sadaqah Jar today!
Sibling Sadaqah Jar
Add details in area below. (Maximum 6 siblings)
1. Pick Baby, Girl or Boy
2. Pick Skin Colour
3. Pick Outfit (Clothing & Colour)
4. Pick Hair (Colour and Style)
Eddie - Boy, Skin 1, Outfit Hoodie 2, Jeans 3, Hair Black and straight.
Ella - Baby Girl, Skin 1, Outfit Dress 3, Hair Black ponytails.
Please check customisation before ordering.